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Monday 25 August 2014

Purpose - key stone of success..

Hiii friends.....
Today i am going to tell you some thing that will change your success rate at your work and at your study or at any thing that you have to do ....
Hmm you might think what it is ....
Its is very important and simple thing..
That is "purpose" .....
If you believe in god like they ancient peoples and now also people believe god gave them birth or send to earth with special purpose....
That's a very Good belief that our parent and society put in us....
And if you don't believe i  god then i tell you my friend that what ever you are want to do you should have purpose in life....

So i think you got my point i am going to tell you all about what is purpose ,how it work ,and most important that how to use it in our life so we will success....
First come what is purpose ,so it is simple it is why..
Hmm lets take this example: if i am taking part in race and i want to win it . so what is my purpose ... It can be to win prize or to make someone proud or for self ,or to check whether i am good or not in this....
Now if i have purpose how its gonna help me, it is also simple i work as energy source to  your want to complete or do thing....
Example will help you to understand better ,let say my purpose to run in race is to make my parent feel proud about me and i wanna show that i am the best ...then what will Happen this purpose (which i have set in my mind) will give me more energy in the for of motivation and inspiration will i am training in fact it will also inspire me to train in the first place...and it will make me do trained hard enough...  And ultimately  i will win ,it can happen that i may not come 1st but my parent feel proud about me in the end.and that will bring me my happy ness and also knowledge and when i will race again i will definitely win.and this attitude will come in me if i have purpose.
So now how to set purpose ...
This is very crucial thing so i suggest try to do this in peace full place where you are happy and try to find time for this when you are in very good mood...and if you unable find them then do it at the time of sleep
1st write your goal on the paper
It is very simple then go one by one to each goal and ask your self why you want to achieve it.and their can be many purpose for single goal
After writing purpose for all goals
Now read it once or twice .and they try to relate them with at leat one of four things
1. Income /Money /finance
2. Helth/fitness
3. Self growth /self happy ness
And after relating with them write them .
Many people would think why we have to relate with them so it is simple if if relate with atleast  one of them your purpose will be positive ,powerful and it will help you more .
Then self suggest those thing like if i wanna be engineer.
Then i will suggest " i want to become engineer because i wanna be  rich and make my parent and my family proud of me".
It have syntax to say...
"I want to be (your goal) because l want to (your purpose for it)"
At the time of sleeping or when you wakeup in morning .or do when you are at peace.
At the beginning do this with eyes close for 2-3 time a day for 1 week and then 1or 2 time a day...and you will feel great and energetic and motivated for your work ...so form next time will starting new work set a good purpose for it...this will give you great result...
Stay happy stay growing